• Some of you asked me for the irregular verbs in music. Here are two songs to help you learn them while having fun and singing !

    You will have to go directly on Youtube to watch them. Look for Verbes irréguliers en musique 1/2  and "Verbes irréguliers en musique 4e 2/2"

  • Here is a song to help you revise school rules and numbers at the same time.


  • One holiday that we have in Canada is called Thanksgiving. Originally, Thanksgiving was a day to celebrate the harvest or to give thanks for good health after a war, such as after the Seven Years War in 1763. Today, families in Canada gather together every year on the second Monday of October to eat a very big meal and think about everything they are thankful for. Americans also have Thanksgiving, but it is celebrated in November. 

    Click on the link for more information: Thanksgiving in Canada 


    For the Thanksgiving meal, we usually eat a HUGE meal that includes turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes, stuffing, and pumpkin pie. 


  • NYC

    Dear 5° & 3°,

    Since we talked about New York City, here are some pictures of the boroughs and a link to check out about the city.

    NYC 5 boroughs

    NYC  NYC

                                                    Brooklyn                               The Bronx

    NYC   NYC

    Queens                       Staten Island



    As you can see there are lots of bridges.

    Here is a link to check out the different boroughs: Travel Tips



  • Here is the list of irregular verbs you have to learn:

    Télécharger « List irregular verbs.pdf »

    And here is your deadline to learn them:

    Télécharger « Deadline irregular verbs 4A.odt »


    You also have the possibility to play games in order to help you learn your irregular verbs. You can find the game in the FUN category: "Spin the Wheel - Irregular Verbs".

    Spin the Wheel : http://www.macmillandictionary.com/verb_wheel/