• Tag 5°D

    Résultats pour la recherche du tag 5°D :
  • Dear 5°, Here is a commercial for a home exchange website. Watch the video which explains the concept.

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  • Dear 5°, If you want to see more celebrity houses, here is the link to the website we saw: Celebrities' houses

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  • Dear 5°, Here is a "didapage" to revise the rooms in the house: Didapage - Rooms in the House Do you know all the rooms in this house?

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  • Hello! To revise your colours and numbers: Diadapage Colours & Numbers And just the numbers: Didapage - Just the numbers (a "didapage" is like a book but on the internet. To open the book, CLICK!)  

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  • NYC

    Dear 5° & 3°, Since we talked about New York City, here are some pictures of the boroughs and a link to check out about the city. 5 boroughs                                                  ...

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  • Dear 6° & 5°, Here is a bookmark for you to cut and laminate . You can keep it in your notebook . It's a way to have all your Classroom English at the same place. Télécharger « English_bookmark.pdf » http://www.ac-grenoble.fr/college/le-semnoz.seynod/spip.php?article787 - - - - My English...

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