• Tag 5°C

    Résultats pour la recherche du tag 5°C :
  • Dear 5°C, Pour le lundi 27 avril (la rentrée), je vous demande de jeter un œil affûté à trois nouvelles pièces à conviction et de les analyser ( Evidence 1, 2, 3 ). Vous donnerez vos conclusions dans le rapport de crime du Detective Short ( Text: Crime Report ) que vous écrivez à sa place...

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  • Dear 5°, You have started (or will start soon) the new sequence about the film we watched at the cinema BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM Here is the trailer to remind you of the story. Enjoy!

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  • Dear 5°, for your work due Monday, February 2nd, you must describe Sherlock Holmes (body and clothes). Here is a picture of the detective: loupe = magnifying glass

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  • Dear 5°, If you want to see more celebrity houses, here is the link to the website we saw: Celebrities' houses

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  • Hello! To revise your colours and numbers: Diadapage Colours & Numbers And just the numbers: Didapage - Just the numbers (a "didapage" is like a book but on the internet. To open the book, CLICK!)  

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  • NYC

    Dear 5° & 3°, Since we talked about New York City, here are some pictures of the boroughs and a link to check out about the city. 5 boroughs                                                  ...

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  • Dear 6° & 5°, Here is a bookmark for you to cut and laminate . You can keep it in your notebook . It's a way to have all your Classroom English at the same place. Télécharger « English_bookmark.pdf » http://www.ac-grenoble.fr/college/le-semnoz.seynod/spip.php?article787 - - - - My English...

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