• Dear 4°B,

    Here is the list of irregular verbs you have to learn:

    Télécharger « List irregular verbs.pdf »

    And here is your deadline to learn them:

    Télécharger « Deadline irregular verbs 4B.pdf »

     You also have the possibility to play games in order to help you learn your irregular verbs. You can find the game in the FUN category: "Spin the Wheel - Irregular Verbs".

    Spin the Wheel : http://www.macmillandictionary.com/verb_wheel/

  • Dear 4°A,

    You are going to meet our new Language Assistant on Tuesday: Christopher.

    Remember, you must ask him questions about himself! Here is a link on the interrogatives and here is another one: interrogatives 2 . There are also exercices for you to practice on.

    You must be prepared!

    See you on Tuesday.

    Meeting our new Assistant


  • Since it's the Rugby World Cup right now, let's talk a little bit about this sport.

    Here, Ross Doogan is an Irish 13 year old who is really skilled at rugby. And he's really agile.

    Watch him on this video:

  • Dear 6°A and 6°B,

    Today, we learned a new idiom: it's raining cats and dogs. In French, the translation is "il pleut des cordes".

    It means: raining a lot, raining heavily.

    English idioms: It's raining cats and dogs

    English idioms: It's raining cats and dogs

    The volunteers can take a sheet of white paper, write the idiom and draw it ("it's raining cats and dogs"). The best will go on the class wall.


  • Dear 6èC & 6èD,

    Here is the document we studied in class to answer the questions "How are you today?". You can print it in colors from home and paste it in your copybook if you want.

    Télécharger « Voc How are you today.pdf »