• 5°A Irregular Verbs

    Dear 5°A,

    ¤ Here is the list of irregular verbs that you must write  at the end of your notebook:

    hide - hid - hidden = cacher

    tell - told - told = dire, raconter

    become - became - become = devenir

    come - came - come = venir

    know - knew - known = savoir

    let - let - let = laisser

    leave - left - left = quitter

    find - found - found = trouver

    forbid - forbade - forbidden = interdire

    win - won - won = gagner

    run - ran - run = courir

    meet - met - met = rencontrer

    shoot - shot - shot = tirer

    think - thought - thought = penser

    take - took - taken = prendre

    forgive - forgave - forgiven = pardonner

    ¤ Here is the list of irregular verbs that you must learn by Wednesday 16th:

     hide / tell / become / come / know

    See you next week! Have a good week end.

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